The cartoon characters and film 3D animation is a very common part In the last few years. Today we are have decided to come up with some new but equally important informative magnificent character illustrations, To go the artwork click on the artwork name, to go to the aritst profile click on the artist name and if u want to see full size image click on the images. Also we are collected best tutorials which you can learn very detailed techniques and basic skills from beginners to advanced users.
3. Sumo Character Illustration by Tiago Hoisel
8. Hugh Jackman by Tiago Hoisel
9. Bad Wolf by Bad Wolf
28. Kaka by Tiago Hoisel
29. Meeting with girlfriend's family
30. On the Beach
31. Axl Character
32. Davy Jones Character Illustration
3D Character Artwork and Tutorials
13. The last knight
While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that we missed some other great Tutorials. Feel free to share it with us.